We’ve all heard that the estate administration process can be a tedious disaster, but one particularly important area to consider is probate. Specifically, we advice our clients to avoid the probate process whenever possible. Avoiding Probate Makes Sense in Estate Administration Although understanding probate and it’s potential ramifications on your family and estate can be Read More
The death of a loved one and the administration of his or her estate can bring about extremely emotional and confusing times. Perhaps one of the most confusing facets of estate administration is the determining which assets will be distributed according to your loved one’s Last Will and Testament, and which assets will be distributed Read More
Just about everyone is using online social networking sites. Social media has become an ingrained part of our day, and is a primary communication method between friends and family. But using social media during personal injury lawsuits could make a major impact. The rise in usage of the various social media websites among adults has also Read More
In New York State, parents of a person with an intellectual or developmental disability are deemed the Parent and Natural Guardian of that person until they turn 18. Once the disabled party has reached the age of 18, New York State law indicates that he/she is a competent adult who should be able to manage Read More