Life has its ups and downs, and over the course of a lifetime, we all make decisions that impact our lives — both in the present and in the future. Divorce and remarriage are two of those life changes that of course have profound impacts on our lives. But while they impact our day-to-day lives, Read More
There are many aspects of “celebrity” that most of us will never encounter. Needing an entourage. Keeping track of multiple mansions or a private jet. Scheduling movie premieres. But estate planning is an area that’s critically important to all of us. And just as celebrities are in the news for their latest albums or movies, Read More
Research shows that more than half of Americans do not have a will. While they may not be the most popular element of planning for many, wills are critical components of estate planning. In particular, wills are especially important for parents. In a way, your will is the last thing you get to “say” to Read More
In today’s world, convenience reigns as king. Whether it’s a fast food drive-thru, an automated machine that rents movies or a coffee maker that only makes one cup at a time, society now wants its products and services delivered as quickly and as conveniently as possible. Unfortunately, the legal profession is not immune to Read More
The death of a loved one and the administration of his or her estate can bring about extremely emotional and confusing times. Perhaps one of the most confusing facets of estate administration is the determining which assets will be distributed according to your loved one’s Last Will and Testament, and which assets will be distributed Read More
In New York State, parents of a person with an intellectual or developmental disability are deemed the Parent and Natural Guardian of that person until they turn 18. Once the disabled party has reached the age of 18, New York State law indicates that he/she is a competent adult who should be able to manage Read More