(716) 235-5885


long-term care

5 Things to Understand About Long-Term Care Planning

March 30, 2017

Americans are living longer than ever, and are living more vibrantly into retirement age than ever before. But with longer lives also comes increased cost and questions about how things will be taken care of when your need for care (and the ensuing expenses) increases. Enter long-term care. You may have encountered long-term care planning Read More

estate planning services

Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Estate Planning

March 23, 2017

Every day, we meet with individuals and families for estate planning. Many of them share some variation of the following feedback: “We just never thought of it before…”. That’s an understandable reaction – estate planning isn’t a topic you hear about frequently on the news, and there’s often a misnomer attributing estate planning simply to Read More